SOCIAL PICTURES: Record crowd at Boyup Brook’s Harvey Dickson Spring rodeo

Bob GarnantCountryman
Camera IconAbbey Omodei, of Manjimup, Claire Symors, of Dongara, and Ellie Pead, of Geraldton. Credit: Countryman

There was plenty of action as some of WA’s leading cowboys and cowgirls put in their best performances at Harvey Dickson Spring Rodeo on October 30.

With last year’s event cancelled because of COVID-19 restrictions, rodeo fans were keen to get back in the saddle and enjoy one of the largest events on the rodeo calendar.

There were 265 entries from across the State, with many competitors participating in several events.

Rodeo announcer Paul Casey was at his best, communicating all the action to rouse spectators.

The crowd were well entertained with all the thrills and spills of the sport, and they returned the sentiment with loud cheers when a competitor showed great skill.


After the rodeo completed its last event, the most thrilling of all in the open bull ride, visitors took to the live country music sundowner to enjoy a great social evening.

Camera IconMatt Wright, of Bullsbrook, and Victoria Gearon, of Bullsbrook. Credit: Countryman
Camera IconJoey Cartwright and Jamie Paul, of Swanbourne. Credit: Countryman
Camera IconJosh Gilham, 12, of Toodyay. Credit: Countryman
Camera IconJosie Curtis, 16, of Bunbury, and Paige Fell, 17, of Donnybrook. Credit: Countryman
Camera IconMax Dickson, 18, Kayla Dickson, 15, and Ned Dickson, 19, all of Dowerin. Credit: Countryman
Camera IconTomy McFarland, of West Perth, Sean Magner, of West Perth, and Lewis Morgan, of Subiaco. Credit: Countryman
Camera IconNichola Denning, of West Perth, Jessica McQuillan, of West Perth, and Carly Jellyman, of Subiaco. Credit: Countryman
Camera IconDenhem Cowan, of Capel, and Emma Tadday, of Yearlering. Credit: Countryman
Camera IconShannon Burchert, of North Beach and Jess Nietz, of Scarborough. Credit: Countryman

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