Old boys back for the music

Holly ThompsonManjimup-Bridgetown Times
Camera IconIrik Newman, Jeff Braybrooke and Hayden Kilner, from AB Music, perform at Bridgetown High School. Credit: Holly Thompson

Three former Bridgetown High School students went back to perform some of their music for current students this week.

Irik Newman, Jeff Braybrooke and Hayden Kilner are involved with AB Music, a program set up to help people get into the music industry.

AB Music administration manager Natasha Eldridge said the music school was for Aboriginal people but had just begun to accept everyone.

“AB Music started about 30 years ago and it’s slowly grown throughout the years, now we do Certificate II, III and IV in music knowledge before going into a diploma of music.”

She said the company tried to perform at schools as much as possible.


“We try to get into schools so students have positive role models if they want to choose music as a career,” she said.

“This is one of the first times we’ve been to this area but we’ve already been invited back so that’s lovely.”

Newman was the first of the three to join, and recruited the other two boys after a year in the program.

“Jeff finished school and wasn’t sure what he wanted to do so I invited him to join the program,” he said.

“About six months later I asked Hayden to join as well.”

Jeff and Hayden had already been in a band together before joining the program.

“If you want to do music and follow your dream then go for it, you can be anything you want to be and we’ll help you,” Mrs Eldridge said.

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