Letter to the Editor: Communication by service providers is cheap but misunderstandings are expensive

Firstly, NBN is installing cabling in Albany’s suburbia.
Recently, NBN advised residents it was replacing telecom junction boxes — in particular, those that were made of asbestos.
Thank you for the communication.
However, without notification and to my surprise, NBN, one Saturday afternoon, dug a cable trench in my front —reticulated — verge.
Why didn’t NBN or the city of Albany advise residents of this procedure?
I take pride that I have spent a lot of time, effort and money bringing my garden and lawn to a good standard.
If I had been informed, I would not have needed to address my concern to the NBN workers and they, in turn, would not have needed to justify their activities.
This has been poor communication by the council as it is their land and responsibility.
In addition, I recently lodged a complaint with Synergy and the Minister for Energy, Reece Whitby, about my solar panels.
Surprisingly, I have not received a response from either!
In the last 12 months my panels have been switched off nine times, totalling 15 hours.
Yes, by law they can be deactivated under the cover of testing/grid management.
Why is it when the grid power fails at night, Western Power sends a text message stating the obvious?
I’m sitting in the dark in front of my blank TV.
But alas, clever people, when the house powers back to life, I get another text stating the bleeding obvious.
So, why can’t Synergy/Western Power advise when the solar panels have been switched off?
I spent about $7000 to go green.
When possible, I use heavy-duty electrical appliances during the day, and when the sun permits.
If I was to get a text regarding deactivation/reactivation, I would re-plan my electrical use.
Communication is cheap but misunderstandings are expensive!
Richard Norman, Spencer Park
Letters to the editor must contain the author’s full name, address and daytime contact number. Letters may be edited for space, clarity or legal reasons. Email news@albanyadvertiser.com or post to PO Box 5168 Albany, WA, 6332.
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